Picture of Jasper Floor
Jasper Floor
Sep 22, 2023 1 min read

When it comes to attracting top talent, offering enticing perks can make all the difference. Candidates often consider these perks when evaluating potential employers. Here are ten perks that candidates love to see:

  1. Flexible Work Arrangements: Offering options like remote work, flex hours, or compressed workweeks can greatly appeal to candidates seeking work-life balance.

  2. Professional Development Opportunities: Providing access to training, courses, and opportunities for career advancement demonstrates a commitment to employee growth.

  3. Health and Wellness Benefits: Comprehensive healthcare plans, gym memberships, and wellness programs show you prioritize employee well-being.

  4. Generous Paid Time Off (PTO): Offering ample vacation, sick days, and holidays allows employees to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

  5. 401(k) or Retirement Plans: A strong retirement savings plan can be a significant draw for candidates looking to secure their financial future.

  6. Profit Sharing and Bonuses: Performance-based bonuses and profit-sharing schemes motivate employees to excel in their roles.

  7. Tuition Reimbursement: Supporting employees' education goals by offering tuition reimbursement can attract lifelong learners.

  8. Childcare Assistance: On-site childcare facilities or subsidies for childcare expenses are a big plus for working parents.

  9. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): EAPs provide confidential support for employees dealing with personal or professional challenges.

  10. Travel Opportunities: If your company involves travel, candidates may appreciate the opportunity to explore new places as part of their job.

Conclusion: In a competitive job market, offering attractive perks can be the key to winning over top talent. These ten perks are highly appealing to candidates and can help your organization stand out as an employer of choice. Consider which perks align with your company culture and the needs of your workforce to create a compelling benefits package.


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